Low Head Community Garden

A chance conversation between two Senior Campus teachers, Mrs Amanda Lutterell and Mr Thomas Grove, led to a chain of events that has seen surplus gardening equipment that was not being utilised by the school find a new home in Low Head.

Thomas Grove has been a part of the Low Head Community Garden since it came to fruition in the second half of 2021. One of the residents who backs onto this area successfully petitioned the George Town council to ‘beautify’ the area and the Low Head community garden was born. After discovering that the excess equipment could be donated by the school to the Community Garden, Steve Donaghy our Property Manager offered the use of the school truck to transport everything up to the coast.

Kathy Flood is the visionary and the driving force of the garden and in a short period of time since the first planting in December 2021, several businesses and individuals in and around George Town have donated products, equipment and time to the garden. The raised garden beds were made by the Exeter Men’s Shed and one keen member managed to transform some discarded stained glass windows into a garden shed.

The gardeners have a working bee once a month on a Sunday, and at the last working bee, there were around 40 people working in the garden. the donated goods from the school will be of great benefit to the members.

Mr Grove wanted to share that “On behalf of the Low Head Community Gardeners, I would like to sincerely thank Launceston Church Grammar School and in particular the property manager Mr Steve Donaghy for the use of the school truck to transport the items that came out of the Agriculture plot and were donated to the community garden.”

Launceston Grammar would also like to extend our gratitude to Mrs Luttrell, Mr Grove and Mr Donaghy for taking the action to support this thriving Community enterprise.