House System
The House System began at Launceston Grammar in 1924 when the School moved to Mowbray Heights. Four Houses were formed at the time; three named in honour of former Headmasters, the Rev William H Savigny, Rev Christopher G Wilkinson and Mr Harry Gillett, and the other, a generous benefactor, Mr William Hawkes. In 1959, an additional House was formed and named in honour of former Headmaster Mr Norman H Roff bringing the total number of Houses to five.
The large number of boarders in 1961 made it necessary to introduce Fraser House, named in honour of the late Mr Hugh Fraser, MBE who had been actively associated with the School for 56 years. To note, Fraser House ceased operation between 1970 and 1997.
In 1998, the Boarding House was renamed Hawkes House and two new day Houses were created: Fraser and Savigny. In 2001 Hawkes House discontinued as an entity for House competition and the boarders were reallocated across the five other Houses. The name Hawkes was retained and became the name of the Boarding House.
Student Leadership Programme
Leadership opportunities occur within the pastoral care system as well as within the wider School. Grade 7 staff provide these opportunities in a number of ways within their normal programme. Houses use other senior students to organise and support teams in Intra School competitions and to liaise with Grade 7 House members. In many cases, these senior students remain mentors as the juniors join their tutor groups in Grade 8. The School arranges training of selected students to become peer mentors.